Updated: Mar 7, 2024
What does it take to equip a positive idea like a #EuropeanSilkRoad from Dr. Mario Holzner
@Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies - wiiw with the necessary intentions & abilities to find its way into the real world? What could and should progress from a European perspective look like?
One possible working direction with a concrete tool - a European Silk Road Cultural Fund - has been presented on the 28th of February 2024 in cooperation with the European Silk Road Association at the WIIW in Vienna with an Update of the #EuropeanSilkRoad - idea by Dr. Mario Holzner and a presentation of the prototype of the ESRCF by Jan Moritz Onken and Julian Rieken.
Special thanks to Dalma Sarnyai (Flute) for her interpretation of 'Syrinx' by C. Debussy.
Photocredit: Andreas Knapp