Each personal source of inspiration is a reflection of a personal idea of quality . Not the result of an ideology but the result of a #pieceofsilk - freely shared by #responsiblelisteners for #responsiblelisteners at the Silk Road Cultural Belt . The European narrative for the global term #NewSilkRoad. #ComposeYourSilkRoad #EuropeanSilkRoad
(c) Callias Foundation
Very valuable feedback from a group of experts at the 2nd #creativeSHIFT „ShowCase“ co-hosted by the ArtLab for the ‚Festival’ - prototype, our working group #Europeanization is working on. The #EuropeanSilkRoad - routes are very helpful and the format itself is getting clearer.

Updated: Nov 22, 2021
Thanks to a 'Small Business Grant' from Facebook, Maarifa Promotions can help us to reach out with the Silk Road Cultural Belt in countries or cities where we seek to inspire #responsiblelisteners, who are open to learn about the European perspective on the global term 'New Silk Road'. This could lead to a wider exchange between people, for whom classical music is an important part of life - to learn from each other independently from the geographic location each individual is based in time and space. Facebook helps us to share a multidimensional perspective on this global term, especially in the European context of the #EuropeanSilkRoad as a positive idea from the wiiw in Vienna - another completely new idea for a Silk Road. Very much looking forward to the personal sources of inspiration from #responsiblelisteners in Chinese provinces & Cities like Yunnan, Zhejiang & Shanghai.
(c) Callias Foundation